Excellence in Cyber Security
A well-welded and integrated team around a senior in IT and Cybersecurity.
We offer advanced services in the field of cybersecurity. Audit, consultancy and technological services since 2018.
We are an advanced cybersecurity consulting company characterized by several differentiating aspects.
Very high level of seniority. The founder is accompanied by a carefully selected team of experts and recognized voices in the field (CISOs, DPOs, CIOs, architects), with whom he forged a healthy professional relationship throughout the successfully completed projects, and with the help of which we optimized a innovative delivery method (that of micro services in audit and consultancy).
Very flexible and efficient business model. Just as Sectio Aurea proposes to outsource its capabilities, it also outsources its capabilities in an integrated way. The ideal of the founder is not to hire at all. So that we can maintain our agility and operational efficiency. At the moment, the skills of 28 experts in cyber security and IT management are integrated in Sectio Aurea.
As a result of the two differentiators, we focus only on very advanced services , that is, we either focus on emerging technologies , or we provide finesse expertise on some critical aspects of the client's business.
This results in a third differentiator for Sectio Aurea, which actually reflects the final goal - Quality . The same as the name of the company Sectio Aurea is the Latin transposition of the Golden Section, Phi (or φ from the ancient Greek alphabet), Fibonacci's number, the golden number, the divine proportion, Likewise we provide quality and the clients are very satisfied with the services provided.
Excellence in Cyber Security
Advanced services
Our services are a blend of precision, beauty and efficiency, reflecting the perfect balance and natural harmony of the φ number.
With us, you transform and secure your business with a touch of divine harmony.
Seniors in cybersecurity
We integrate flexible access to top experts (CIOs, CISOs, DPOs, solution architects).
Minimum 10 years of experience in complex organizational environments.
Innovative model
Through microservices, we ensure maximum added value at a fraction of the time and cost of employment.
You work with very experienced people, transform and secure your business. Harmonious
Phi (or φ from the ancient Greek alphabet), the Fibonacci number, the golden number, the divine proportion, the golden section (sectio aurea in Latin) is an essential number present in almost all fields of activity (mathematics, biology, design, architecture, biology etc.). Phi is the basis of everything natural, beautiful, well-proportioned.
Sectio Aurea (Latin for Golden Section), inspired by φ (Phi), translates the φ principle into Cybersecurity.
Here, technology meets art, efficiency meets beauty, and security meets innovation.
Our offer
La Sectio Aurea, suntem mai mult decât o companie de consultanță avansată – suntem definiti printr-o abordare unică și diferențiatoare, care ne permite să oferim excelență în tot ceea ce facem.
Echipă de elită
Experiența și senioritatea echipei noastre reprezintă un pilon central. Lucrăm exclusiv cu experți de top, care aduc în proiecte o combinație de cunoștințe aprofundate și o înțelegere practică a celor mai complexe provocări. -
Model de business de tip microservicii
La Sectio Aurea, am adoptat un model de business agil, inspirat de microservicii. Promovăm externalizarea capabilităților, inclusiv a propriilor noastre servicii, pentru a ne menține flexibilitatea și eficiența operațională. Idealul nostru? Să rămânem o echipă fără angajamente fixe, dar cu o rețea extinsă de colaboratori excepționali, care să ne permită să răspundem rapid și eficient la nevoile clienților. -
Focalizare exclusivă pe excelență
Această abordare ne oferă posibilitatea să ne concentrăm exclusiv pe furnizarea de servicii avansate. Ne dedicăm fie implementării celor mai noi tehnologii emergente, fie soluționării unor aspecte critice, care necesită o expertiză de finețe în afacerile clienților noștri. -
Calitatea ca filosofie
Numele nostru, Sectio Aurea, simbolizează perfecțiunea proporției divine – Phi (φ), numărul de aur. Aceasta reflectă angajamentul nostru față de excelență și atenția la detalii. Așa cum proporția de aur este simbolul armoniei și echilibrului, la fel și serviciile noastre livrează calitate impecabilă, rezultând într-un nivel de satisfacție remarcabil pentru clienți.
Sectio Aurea nu este doar un nume – este o promisiune de valoare, inovație și excelență la cel mai înalt nivel.
Portfolio: Cyber security solutions
Data Loss Prevention
Privileged Access Management
Identity Governance and Administration
IT Service Management
We provide advanced consulting services, for the latest cyber security directions, only for a qualified selection of vendors from each field below.
What needs do we solve?
We have the expertise, experience, tools and knowledge to deeply understand the cybersecurity landscape and proactively address each client's risks.
Our Team - Your Cybersecurity Experts
The team consists exclusively of professionals with an average of over 10 years of experience, coming from complex and mature organizational environments.
With Sectio Aurea, you gain not only services, but trusted partners in cyber security.
Auditor General Directiva NIS
seria CLE nr. 8020 din 23.03.2022
Glorifi is a US fintech that applied an innovative business model, namely financial services brokerage.
The tested system was one of very high complexity.
Sectio Aurea was selected due to the team's experience and the possibility to scale dynamically in emerging fields: Cloud & API Security.
The project required the involvement of 5 dedicated pentesters, who worked full-time for 4 months.
Software Group is a conglomerate of companies that provide worldwide digitization solutions, core banking and core insurance implementations.
Sectio Aurea provided specialized consulting services in aligning the proposed solutions with the security requirements of their clients.